Illphonics, Hope & Therapy, Ring, Cicada, Loftys Comet, Jr. Clooney, Bruiser Queen, Seashine, Sisser, Janet Evra, Autumn Clock, Cave of Swords, Doug Raffety (Judge Nothing), Dibiase, Pono AM, Steven Deeds, Olive, Jesus Christ Supercar, 33 On The Needle, Biff Knarly & The Reptilians, Polyshades, Blank Generation, Distant Eyes, The Fade, Hands and Feet, Future/Modern, ROTN, Gavin Michael, The Bronx Cheers, Le’ Ponds, Syna So Pro, Wes Hoffman, The Trophy Mules, Brother Lee and The Leather Jackels, Orphan Welles, Prairie Rehab, Rec Riddles, Deizil, Elliott Pearson, They Need Machines to Fly?, Heroes of the Kingdom, Hideous Gentlemen, Grass & Stone, Bastard & The Crows, The Potomac Accord, Lauren Waters, Catching the Westbound, Zach Sullentrup, Devon Cahill, Golden Curls, Gemini Hustler, The Vanilla Beans, Caveman Chronicles, Trevor May & The Nomads, The Judge, Letter to Memphis, The Dead Roses, Sister Wizzard, Names & Titles, Aid the Beast, Overnighter, Kilverez, Astral Moth, Reaver, Ty Loveland, Cal Stevens, Sani Savage, Slowly Coping, Joey Arlene, Disguise the Limit, Church Key, Erin Jo, Pioneer Salesmen, The Grooveliner, Jon Valley, Billy & The Jets, Brian Hutchinson, Ellen Hilton Cook, Town Cars, Hookie, Green and Blue, Life Without, Nik Kodros, Belleview, I Actually, Baytron, Justin Georgewitz, I Could Sleep in The Clouds, Blackwater 64, When Universes Collide, Jay Love, Jamie Marie, Matt Taul, River City Sound, Crocodile Kings, Redemption River, Andrew Ryan & The Levee, JOEL, The Divine March, 1781, Don’t Get Dead, Hidden Order, Two Hands | One Engine, Katie Hubbard, The Hillside Barons, Dope Controller, Rock Crown, The Down Bads, Birds of Squalor, Mobile Alien Research Unit, Superfun Yeah Yeah Rocketship, Chainstay, , Ian Whitmore, Darrius Spangler, I Like Snaps, Darian Poe, Oddsoul and The Sound